Bennett Vogt


Bennett Vogt


This assignment certainly posed a unique challenge. It was fascinating to see how my mind is concentrated on the areas that I know best and how to get between them. My high school commute was prominently featured, as transportation hubs featured strongly as did the clearly defined route of the redline. Places where I spend a great deal of time, such as the quad, Adams House, and my laboratory in Northwest Labs were also evident. When I went to add color it was interesting how the most important aspect for me was greenery, which seemed to add some depth and texture to an otherwise soulless map.

For the most part I correctly identified orientation and number of streets in the region, but I failed most to acknowledge the size and complexity of the blocks. Areas that I knew better tended to be smaller with greater detail paradoxically, and those that I did not grew large and incoherent.




“Bennett Vogt,” US-WORLD 29, accessed June 27, 2024,